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August Calendar Callout Content for Markey Digital Signage

August 7, 2020

And just like that it’s August.

If you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s the hottest time of the year. Often referenced as the ‘Dog Days’ of Summer…

But, have you ever stopped to think or look up why we reference this time of the year as such? Until now, we hadn’t either!

And after some reading on a few sites, including National Geographic, it has nothing to do with the temperature or even “dogs lying around in the heat—the phrase comes from ancient Greek beliefs about a star.”

The belief was centered around the appearance of the dog star, Sirius – which would rise just before the sun in late July and signify the hottest time of the year for them.

Enough of a history lesson for now. And on to the important stuff.

Like all of the amazing reasons to celebrate with your team this August.

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