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What’s your Creative Type?

February 12, 2019

It seems that just about everyone is getting into the personality-type arena. Whether it’s the classics like Meyers-Briggs and Strengths Finders, or the sillier and plethora of BuzzFeed-like “Which Sesame Street character are you?” surveys. One of the latest assessments we’ve been enamored with is from Adobe Create.

The Creative Type test seeks to understand how you work and what helps drive your success. From the test’s about page:

Based in psychology research, the test assesses your basic habits and tendencies—how you think, how you act, how you see the world—to help you better understand who you are as a creative… you’ll gain a deeper understanding of your motivations, plus insight into how to maximize your natural gifts and face your challenges.


In addition to understanding what motivates you, the results also share who your “Ideal Collaborator” is. So if you receive the Adventurer moniker, you’ll want to seek out an Artist to combine your powers and unleash a Megazord of Creativity upon the world!

The Adventurer is a “natural storyteller” and needs to find ways to release creative energy.

Quite a few of our team took the test and we had a solid mix across the eight different Creative Types. Rather than just taking the quiz, we thought it’d be good to share the different types on our digital signage to help everyone easily connect with their ideal collaborators.

To easily share your team’s Creative Types with the entire office, sign up for a free Markey Digital Signage account and get it up on your TV rather than that depressing and anxiety-inducing 24-hour news cycle.